1. Comply with the DMX512 standard protocols.
2. Digital numeric display, set DMX decode start address by buttons.
3.RDM function can realize intercommunication between DMX master and decoder. For example, DMX decoder address can be set by DMX master console.
4.16bit (65536 levels) /8bit (256 levels) grey level selectable.
5.PWM frequency 500/1000/2000/4000/8000/16000Hz selectable.
6. 3A X 24CH, Max 60 A
7. Logarithmic or linear dimming curve selectable.
8.Stand-alone 24-channel RGB mode and 24-channel dimmer mode selectable,
which be controlled by buttons with built-in programs, instead of DMX signal.
1. Long press M and ◀ key for 2s, prepare for setup system parameter: decode mode, grey level, output PWM frequence, output brightness curve, default output level, automatic blank screen.short press M key to switch six item.
2. Decode mode: short press ◀ or ▶ key to switch 1-channel decode("d--1"), 3-channel decode("d--3") , 6-channel decode("d--6") or 24-channel decode("d-24"). When set as 1 channel decode, and 24 channel output the same brightness of this DMX address.
3. Grey level: short press ◀ or ▶ key to switch 8bit("b-08") or 16 bit("b-16"). c hoose 16 bit if the DMX master support 16 bit.
4. Output PWM frequence: short press ◀ or ▶ key to switch 0.5KHz("F05"), 1.0KHz("F010"), 2.0KHz("F020"), 4.0KHz("F040"), 8.0KHz("F080") or 16.0KHz("F160") . Higher PWM frequency, will cause lower output current, higher power noise, but more suitable for camera(No ?ickers for video).
5. Output brightness curve: short press ◀ or ▶ key to switch linear curve("C--L") or logarithmic curve("C--E").
6. Default output level: press ◀ or ▶ key to change default 0-100% level ("d-00" to "d-FF" ) when no DMX input signal.
7. Automatic blank screen: short press ◀ or ▶ key to switch enable ("bon") or disable("boFF")automatic blank screen.
8. Long press M key for 2s or timeout 10s, quit system parameter setting.
1. Short press M key, when display A001~A512, enter DMX mode.
2. Press ◀ or ▶ key to change DMX decode start address(001~512), long press for fast adjustment.
3. If there is a DMX signal input, will enter DMX mode automatically.
4. DMX Dimming: Each D24 DMX decoder occupy 24 DMX address when connecting the DMX console.
For example, the defaulted start address is 1,their corresponding relationship in the form:
DMX console | DMX Decoder output |
CH1 0-255 | CH1 PWM 0-100% (LED1 #R) |
CH2 0-255 | CH2 PWM 0-100% (LED1 #G) |
CH3 0-255 | CH3 PWM 0-100% (LED1 #B) |
CH4 0-255 | CH4 PWM 0-100% (LED2 #R) |
. . . | . . . |
CH24 0-255 | CH24 PWM 0-100% (LED8 #B) |